Friday, May 29, 2020

[EU/US] Practice Battle vs ACPTR

Greetings, LGA!

Today we logged onto Breeze, CPATG, to have a practice battle with the Army of Club Penguin Training Regiment. The battle was fought in the rooms, Iceberg, Stadium, and Snow Forts. We maxed 9 in total with ACPTR maxing 17.  Due to obvious size advantage, ACPTR takes the win! GG ACPTR, and thank you to all who attended!

Max: 9


Lime Commander

Sunday, May 24, 2020

[EU] Defense of Slushy

Greetings, LGA!

Today we logged onto Slushy (CPATG) to defend it from the Army of Club Penguin. The battle was fought in the rooms Stadium, Iceberg, and Dojo. ACP won all three rooms, making them the rightful owners of Slushy now. This battle was the one and only battle in our war with ACP that started almost a month ago (declaration post here). GG ACP, the war is now over! Thank you to everyone who attended and see you later!

Max: 5


Lime Commander

Friday, May 22, 2020

[EU] Invasion of Grizzly

Greetings, LGA!

Today we logged onto Grizzly (CPATG) to invade and capture the unclaimed land. The invasion was successful as we maxed 6 and performed well on our tactics. LGA claims Grizzly! Thank you to those who attended and see you later!

Max: 6


Lime Commander

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

[US] Invasion of Yeti

Greetings, LGA!

Today we logged onto CPATG to invade Yeti. We practiced a few tactics, but overall it was a success. Thank you to all who attended and see you later! 

Max: 7


Lime Commander

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

[EU] Challengers Cup #2 vs PZF

Greetings, LGA!

Today we faced off against the Pizza Federation in the 2nd match of the Challengers Cup. We fought on the server, Klondike, CPATG, in FOUR rooms instead of the usual three. This battle was amazing and close as both armies had good size, tactics, and formations. The rooms were Dojo, Stadium, Iceberg, and Ship Hold. Final scoring was 2-1-1 with PZF winning Dojo and Ship Hold, LGA winning Stadium, and a tie at Iceberg. We did a fantastic job considering the sizes we were maxing just a week ago! Thank you to all who attended and we will see you at the next event!

Max: 14


Lime Commander

Monday, May 18, 2020

[EU/US] Unscheduled Rogue Training

Want to join our fun group? Join our discord at:


Greetings, Lime Green Army!

Right after the EU event, we held an unscheduled practice on Deep Freeze, Blizzard, CPRewritten. We broke past our limits and maxed pretty well! Good luck, Lime Green Army!

Max: 14


[EU] Cove Guitar Party

Want to join our fun group? Join our discord at:


Greetings, Lime Green Army!

We decided to hold an EU rogue event wearing the blue electric guitar on Deep Freeze, Blizzard, CPRewritten. Despite some issues, we pulled through and did some good tactics! Thanks to all who attended.

Max: 6


Sunday, May 17, 2020

[EU] Challengers Cup #1: Battle vs Kings/Card-Jitsu Tournament

Greetings, LGA!

We were selected to compete in CPAM's Small/Medium Army Tournament called, Challengers Cup, a few days ago and now the day comes where we face our first battle against Kings of Club Penguin! The battle took place on CPATG, Klondike, and was only held in the room, Ship Hold, due to Kings not showing up at all. We automatically won the battle by bringing a max of 11! We expect to be going up against PZF in the second battle of the Challengers Cup, so stay tuned LGA! Thank you to everyone who came to the battle to help us win! We look forward to seeing you all at the next battle!

Max: 11

Card-Jitsu Tournament

Shortly after our victory in our first Challengers Cup we decided it would be best to hold a Card-Jitsu tournament to celebrate. We held it on the same server with 5 people attending. The final winner was our new recruit, OmarToonsOfficial! Congratulations, and we hope to see you all at our upcoming events!

Max: 5


Lime Commander

[EU] Band Practice Recruitment

Greetings, LGA!

Today we logged onto CPR, Blizzard to welcome some new people into LGA! We equipped instruments and gathered a band. This event was successful as we did welcome a couple of new recruits into LGA! Thank you for everyone who attended! See you later!

Max: 8


Lime Commander

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

[EU] Unscheduled Training

Hello, Limes

Today we logged on Toboggan for an unscheduled training it wasn't planned at all. good job everyone 

Max 3

Monday, May 11, 2020

[US] RPF Defense of Great White

Greetings, Limes!

Today, our allies, Rebel Penguin Federation, defended our capital server, Great White (CPATG) against our long-time enemies, Recon Federation of Club Penguin, in an unscheduled battle. The battle was fought in the rooms Docks, Mine Interior, and Underground Pool. RPF maxed a massive 87 to secure the victory! Make sure to thank RPF for defending Great White! Be sure to check out their post on the battle as well!

Max: 87


Lime Commander