Greetings, LGA!
We kick-started our day with a practice battle against the legendary Metal Warriors! MW was originally created on July 22, 2010 and had a very successful run making several appearances on the CPAC Top Ten, SMAC, and considered one of the best Small/Medium armies ever (voted 32nd best army ever by CPAC). Another fact about them is that they were the first ever army in all of Club Penguin Army history to be non-native English-speaking, since their members are from Croatia and speak Croatian. They were last active in the CPA community in 2014 before they shut down. Knowing their history made it all the more honorable to battle them today! We logged onto Klondike, CPATG, and battled in the rooms Stadium, Cove, and Iceberg. We maxed a total of 9, while Metal Warriors maxed a total of 7. At the end of the battle, both sides decided an LGA victory! Thank you to everyone who came! And thank you to Metal Warriors for giving us the chance to battle you!
If you wanna read more on Metal Warriors click this link:
Max: 9
Field Marshal (2nd in Command)