Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Declaration of War - STCP (War of Sour Thunder)

This message is addressed to the Shock Troops of Club Penguin and all members and staff of the Lime Green Army.

The Lime Green Army officially declares war on Shock Troops


The Shock Troops have always been an enemy to the Lime Green Army. Former leader Cena infamously tried to slay the LGA nation in November of 2019 and almost won. ST has not never abandoned that philosophy and while we understand their call for mercy, they didn't give us mercy when we begged in 2019.

LGA will not accept a treaty with ST and whack any new Shock Troops territories on the map. WE will eradicate ST entirely if we must. Let the games begin!

LGA sets the following terms for the war

No allies

No foreign support

No colonies

No server transfers

Let this be LGA's whack-a-mole war to the STCP. 

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