Wednesday, April 29, 2020

World War Rewritten - War Against Chaos & ACP

          Many people are curious of our decision to "defend" Tuxedo. As some of you might or might know, an non aggressive pact was forced by the ACP to be signed to prevent a war. It entitled the LGA can't declare war on ACP or attack the ACP. Otherwise, we would had to give up our whole nation.

          What ACP doesn't understand is that there is a loop hole. While it is true we are defending Tuxedo, we haven't formally taken part in the combat yet. We haven't even logged on. And, this defense is more against our historic OG army enemies the Chaos army. 

         ACP used to be our ally last year. However, as time as told, our only true ally was the Rebel Penguin Federation. ACP and the Wild Ninjas were all faking. The higher command done with ACP bullying us and our brother ally. And, we are sick and tired of the Chaos army's presence.
The Lime Green Army declares war on the Army of Club Penguin
  • No invasions between 12 AM EDT and 8 AM EDT may be permitted
  • Alternative accounts (alts) are prohibited
  • Both armies must give a 24 hour notice for an invasion. Only 2 invasions permitted within a day
  • Rooms for the battles must be scheduled ahead of time. No warming up in any of the scheduled battle rooms
  • No harassment of troops allowed.
The Lime Green Army declares war on the Chaos Army
  • No allies, colonies, or external support is allowed. This includes dual enlistment

  • Alternative accounts (alts) are prohibited
  • Both armies must give a 24 hour notice for an invasion. Only 2 invasions permitted within a day
  • Rooms for the battles must be scheduled ahead of time. No warming up in any of the scheduled battle rooms
  • No harassment of troops allowed.
  • ──────────────────────

             This will be the LGA's last stand. We will fight the good fight with our brothers, even if it means our death as an army.

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