Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Operation Rosea: Disclosed

Hey everyone,

          Recently, there has been some drama. By now, I assume everyone is aware of what the Rosea Coalition is. But, for those who are unaware, the Rosea Coalition, or Operation: Rosea was an operation coordinated by myself with the assistance of the LGA higher command and other armies to weaken the Recon Federation of Club Penguin (RFCP)'s strengthen and to protect each other from raids by the RFCP.

          The plan originally was just have allies log on if RFCP begun raiding. However, members of the Rosea Council (the leaders of the participating armies), thought raiding and infiltrating RFCP events would serve as a strong stab in RFCP morale. I don't speak for the other leaders, but personally, I never believed in such philosophy. RFCP is a war army, and that's something no one from the opposite side of RFCP's greater sphere of influence likes to admit.

          I will be addressing some concerns within this post, so make sure to read every part of it.


          So, multiple people have been propping up the theory that the RC multilogged at its first, and only event. I'm going to tell you now that only Games participated in multilogging, and did so against the wishes of the other council.
Unfortunately, due to Cobra being banned from the server (along with Games), their messages are lost to the times.
          As the coalition's founder and supreme chairman, I'd like to affirm that we do not condone unfair behavior such as this. Games acted on his own accords, not ours. Games was swiftly addressed with due to immaturity, multilogging, and racism (which is what I will address later on.)

          Out of the 29 troops that attended, I can confirm that only 18 reacted (to my knowledge it was at one point was 21 but due to event issues, many members dropped.) However, it isn't fair to accuse us of multilogging 10-11 penguins. Many of our staff were invited only a hour before our event occurred and we didn't really direct them to react. I'd say around 3-4 were actual multilogs, but that still leaves us with 25-26 real troops.

         In conclusion with this section, multilogging did occur. However, our leadership did not approve of it and it was addressed with afterwards.


        The fact that racism needs to be addressed is utter bologna. But, this too will be addressed.

        Games did indeed say the n word (we have logs of it.) However, he wasn't even the person that said it the most. Instead, one of LGA's former moderators who was affiliated with UMA used this word multiple times. They too were banned from the alliance and were fired from their position as moderator. But, not just because of this incident. 

       This moderator whom we won't name has tried to bypass our swear filter probably over 50 times times in the past week. It shocks me that I allowed them as a moderator in the first place. The alliance, however, does not support racism. UMA withdrew from the alliance due to us cracking down on their inappropriate behavior. The LGA has suspended relations with UMA until further notice due to their behavior and unfair banishment of me from their affiliated servers for doing the right thing.

What's Next?

        Prior, if you're reading, hear me out: You always say "let's make history". RFCP and LGA have always been historic events, and honestly? It's draining to wake up every week just to deal with this bullshit regarding RFCP. RFCP has been losing relevancy and shrinking. This coalition's gigantic flop only boosts their morale. There is no point in fighting a pointless battle.

           So, Prior, let's make history. You know my discord username, and you know that my direct messages are always open. Let's end this drama for once and all. Argh! Enough with the cheesy shit. I am calling on an indefinite armistice. You, me, 1 on 1. We may never be allies (nor would I personally like that, lol) but that doesn't mean we can solve this issue for once and for all.

          As for UMA and the "squad": I am open to patch up everything. All you need to do is hit me up. This alliance crap shouldn't affect my our personal friendships. We all have our times, it's normal.

        Finally, I do not permit a revival of the Rosea Coalition. The Rosea Coalition's legitimacy rights are going to the grave with me. We could had stopped RFCP, but, unfortunately some people aren't capable of working with others and having fair behavior.

         Anyways, I got an army to lead, and several friendships in the need of repair. Long live the green!

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